Transaction response codes

Enter the Status, Reason, Service, or HTTP status code you received from the Smartpay Fuse Payment Gateway and allow us to translate. Or download the latest version of the response codes and suggestions.

Frequently asked questions

What is status?

The status field represents the overall status of the requested transaction. For successful transactions, ‘status’ is the only field returned in the response.

What is reason?

The reason field displays the reason for a failed or declined Payments API request. In declined or unsuccessful transactions, the API reply includes an ‘errorInformation’ object and a ‘status’ field. The 'errorInformation' object contains a 'reason' field.

What is service?

A service is the REST API resource you use to request the transaction. REST services include:

  • Payments
  • Capture
  • Reversal
  • Refund
  • Credit
  • Void

What is an HTTP status code?

The Payments API responds with the standard HTTP status codes, which include, 201, 400, or 502.


This HTTP status code confirms that the Smartpay Fuse API created a transaction resource ID. If you get this HTTP status code for an unsuccessful transaction, Smartpay Fuse or the merchant's processor probably marked this transaction as under review, declined, or failed.


This HTTP status code indicates something is wrong or missing in the merchant's request. Try to correct the request and resubmit it.


This HTTP status code indicates either a server error or timeout. Retry the transaction, and contact customer support if you need to investigate further.