
The Smartpay Fuse Enterprise Business Centre (EBC) is a powerful merchant servicing portal that allows you to configure and operate your payment service. Key capabilities include:

  • Configuration of your payment services settings
  • Ability to view and download reports and transaction data
  • Customise and configure reports
  • Process MOTO transactions (Mail order/ Telephone order) in a virtual payment terminal

The EBC is accessible in each of our TEST and LIVE environments, allowing you to experiment with servicing, reporting, payment and configuration operations before going live. The different environments are available on the following URLs:

Please see the “Key Information” section below for an overview of key capabilities. Merchants need to call Barclaycard to advise of any changes to the main business contact or address credentials to ensure those changes are reflected correctly across Barclaycard systems.

Key information

Your Smartpay Fuse Account will be configured with an “Account Level” Merchant ID (MID), and one or more “Payment” MIDs below. Users created at the account level have access to all the payment MIDs below, without having to log into each one separately. Any additional users created at the payment MID level will only have access to that MID.

You can navigate between the available menus by using the Dashboard menu on the left hand side, which can be accessed by selecting any of the icons on the left :

Please note that not all options are available to all users. Users are assigned a User Role by the system administrator, and the role selected will determine which options are available within the EBC.

Below you will find an explanation of the key menu items with links to more in-depth guides.

  • Virtual Terminal: process one-time transactions in non-card present scenarios
  • Transaction Management: see and manage the most recent transactions on your account
  • Token Management: view payment card tokens that have been created during payment processing
  • Device Management: this is not applicable to Barclays merchants at this stage
  • Tools: value added tools to support your integration
  • Reports: a wide range of transactional and operational reports
  • Analytics: quickly view summary data for your authorizations, captures, and settlements
  • Payment Configuration: configure your payment types, methods and processing rules
  • Account Management: configure application-wide, account and user settings, groups and roles

Use the menu to navigate to the function that you need to perform. Each of these menu items are further documented in settings below.

You can use the Virtual Terminal to process Moto (Mail order/ Telephone order) transactions by navigating to the One-Time Payment menu.

You can manage the settings for your Virtual Terminal, including which information you want to collect/ mandate via the Terminal Settings menu. For more in-depth guidance on using the Virtual Terminal please refer to the following guide:

Please note that your usage of the Virtual Terminal should fall in line with the merchant procedure guide

The Transactions option displays a list of the most recent transactions (last 7 days by default). You can amend the period of the transactions shown, up to 6 months, and add filters on a large number for data fields (including Merchant Reference Number, Request ID, Token ID, Transaction Reference Number, Email Address, First Name, Last Name, Account Suffix, Account Prefix, Account Number, Customer ID, and Authorization Code, etc).

Users logged in at the account level must select the Merchant ID to report on:

Transaction Management provides full control over your transactions, allowing you to review transaction data such that you can quickly identify the status of transactions and review any potential errors.

You can also perform transaction maintenance such as processing authorised transactions or refunds.

To make things as simple as possible, there is a dedicated menu in which you can review transactions that require further action, such as authorisations that require settlement.

For more information, please refer to chapter 5 of the full EBC user guide.

Allows you to generate and download standard or custom reports, either as a one off or on a scheduled basis. The reports functionality offers a high degree of customisation to suit your needs.

This data can be viewed in different currencies and payment methods for specific date ranges. It is also possible to export authorization, capture, and settlement success and decline details using a variety of filter.

For more information, please refer to chapter 9 of the full EBC user guide.

The Payment Configuration menu allows you configure a number of digital payment methods, such as Google Pay and Apple Pay, as well as 3D Secure Payer Authentication settings.

Depending on the integration method you use, you can also create and maintain:

  • Configuration and Profiles for Hosted Payment Pages
  • Configuration and settings for Hosted Field integration
  • Keys, secrets and certificates
  • Webhook settings

For more information, please refer to chapter 11 of the full EBC user guide.

The analytics dashboard enables you to quickly view summary data for your authorisations, captures, and settlements, as well as more detailed information for each transaction. This can be easily configured on the count or the amount of transactions as required.

This data can be viewed in different currencies and payment methods for specific date ranges. It is also possible to export authorization, capture, and settlement success and decline details using a variety of filters.

For more information, please refer to chapter 10 of the full EBC User Guide.

The Account Management menu enables you to configure application-wide settings for your account and users, including the groups and roles to which they belong, access to Business Centre functionality and preferences for receiving Business Centre notifications:

  • Set preferences for and view messages from Business Centre        
  • Manage account information, including secure and saved IP addresses
  • Manage roles, users, and groups

Please note that Pay My Invoice within this menu is not currently support by Smartpay Fuse.

For more information, please refer to chapter 12 of the full EBC user guide.


Merchants need to call Barclaycard to advise of any changes to the main business contact or address credentials to ensure those changes are reflected correctly across Barclaycard systems.

Getting started

Further information

Full EBC User Guide is available here.