TRA Exemptions

A Transaction Risk Analysis (TRA) exemption is a transaction flag created to avoid routing traffic through payer authentication, where that transaction poses a low risk. For some merchants payer authentication is seen as causing high friction for customers, and TRA exemptions allows merchants to bypass Payer Authentication if the transaction is deemed low risk
When merchants use TRA exemptions, they send requests with the payment asking the issuer to accept the exemption. If the exemption is accepted, then payer authentication is not triggered. If the issuer rejects the request (known as a soft decline), then The transaction will need to be re-attempted with Payer Authentication.
Merchants needs to build the retry logic themselves to handle soft declines.
Barclays offers TRA exemptions through its Transact service. Merchants are reviewed to ensure suitability. All merchants must have a sufficient fraud tool before being considered for TRA exemptions.
Liability shift for ecomm fraudulent chargebacks is only applicable when using the payer authentication service. Using TRA exemptions will remove potential friction, but merchants will be liable in the event of ecomm fraudulent chargebacks. This is why its vital you have a sufficient fraud tool in place to help prevent and reduce potential fraud in these scenarios.
If you would like to use TRA excemptions please contact our support team where we can assist further.